Top Greenhouses’ comprehensive approach to turnkey greenhouse projects begins with an initial feasibility study and incorporates all stages of evaluation, development, design, construction, installation, and implementation.
And that is not all. Top Greenhouses continues to provide support to ensure the proper operation of its greenhouse projects, to ensure they achieve their economic potential. With ongoing technical, agronomic and commercial support, Top Greenhouses optimizes its customers’ growth methods and crop selections to best satisfy customer needs evolving market demands.
The Company’s unique Global/Local approach to turnkey greenhouse projects is based on the know-how of its highly specialized professional staff and management. The combination of years of hands-on experience and cutting-edge professional capabilities enables Top Greenhouses to work hand-in-hand with its customers, not only during the implementation of a project but for many years thereafter.
Top Greenhouse Integration – Putting it all Together
Top Greenhouses takes great pride in its world-class integration capabilities, which have been earned through extensive agro-technology and greenhouse development experience in diverse countries, climates, and challenges globally. As a partner to its customers’ success, Top Greenhouses strives to help establish the appropriate balance between internal factors, such as customers’ goals, budgets, and resources, as well as external factors, such as technological solutions, agro-economics, and crop requirements.
Hundreds of successful turnkey greenhouse projects have earned Top Greenhouses an international reputation as an authority in project integration and management, as well as the know-how to answer questions and manage situations that are reserved for the industry experts.
Top Greenhouses experts in agronomy, agro-technology, and agro-economics work side-by-side with customers to execute turnkey projects, which elevate agriculture to a new plane – higher levels of quality, yield and profitability. By sharing its knowledge and experience, the Company helps create a viable, economical and profitable growth environments, ensuring that customers get the greatest yield from their investment – in both senses of the word.
Top Greenhouses Ltd, a supplier of solutions for agricultural projects, provides services and products for the investor, starting from the characterization of the project up to the marketing of the produce. We have been induced to build our know-how and our technology to answer the challenges of:
- Major changes in the area of agro-business.
- Major changes in the area of consumer habits, regarding the components of the “food basket”, of the middle classes in developed and developing countries.
- Increase in world population.
- A dramatic increase in people’s consciousness regarding “healthy food” and “environment”.
- Major changes in the chain of supply, from the grower (everywhere in the world) to the supermarket shelf (the consumer everywhere in the world).
As a result, we supply “added value” to entrepreneurs who wish to invest in an agro-project, this kind of project usually includes the following stages:
Necessary data:
- who is the customer
- what he wants to grow
- new project/expansion
- open field/greenhouse
- climate (wind, temperature, rain, snow, radiation, humidity)
- water analysis
- soil analysis
- integration of data
- Required greenhouse design
- Required climate conditions and control
- Technology and agro-technology tools in the greenhouse for each crop
- Soilless description, containers, and control
- Fertilization quantities and formulas
- Plant protection pesticides quantities
- Water need and quality
- Monthly and total production
- Labor quantity
Necessary data:
- Characterization
- Financial data
- Workmanship costs
- Available subsidies
- Local financing costs, etc.
- Marketing targets, to which markets are the produce targeted – local, export
- Industry, washing, packaging, canning.
- Where is the produce coming from the world to the target market
- Target prices for the produce, recent year prices for the specific market
- Available workmanship, what skills are locally available today, etc.
- Business Plan, general and comprehensive.
Necessary data:
- Turnkey project / partial supply, Work divided between customer and supplier/s
- Financing and subsidies
- Time-table.
- Go, No-Go decision.
- Design of project – details, and integration of technology
- Writing tenders and submitting to suppliers
- Decision on suppliers
- Time from order to port (production of equipment)
- Transportation
- Installation
- Planting / growing / processing
- Agronomic guidance
- Growing expert guidance
- Harvesting
- Storage, packing, and delivery

Cherry tomatoes
Large scale cherry tomatoes farm in Dominican Repablic

NFT Lettuce
Hydroponic NFT Lettuce farm
Polycarbonate Cannabis
Cannabis Farm in Jamaica
Strawberries Farm
Growing strawberries in gutters
Bell Pepper Farm
Bell pepper (Capcicom) farm in Florida
Cannabis Farm
Advance technology Cannabis farm
Nethouse in Qatar
Large tomatoes farm in Qatar
Advance cooliing system
Wet Pad & Fan cooling in Dubai
Hydroponic Lettuce
Lettuce growing on water